6 Reasons Design Matters For Your Packaging

Remember that thing they always used to say, that “first impressions matter?” That sense of ethos has stuck around forever because it’s true, especially when you’re in business. Every day, 24/7, from the television to whatever you’re scrolling past on your smartphone, we’re slammed with branding and advertising non-stop. Honestly, we’ve become numb to so much being thrown at us. So, if you’re a new company trying to make a name for yourself, you have to know two things: 

  • One, your product has to be better than your competitor. There’s no shortage of innovative minds out there, so if you’re making water-resistant camo shorts or dog treats made with real buffalo meat, you’d better be the Real McCoy; otherwise, you’re going to be found out. 
  • Second, your branding matters. The look and feel of your packaging doesn’t need to be good – it needs to be great. Your competition never rests, and they’re already thinking about The Next Big Thing. Your packaging design influences your market; the more impressions you make, the better sales will be. In 2018, a study confirmed that 70% of consumers say packaging affects their buying.

Why Are Custom Designs So Important?

Design principles matter. Full stop. Suppose you’re looking to make an impact on the shelves or stop someone on Instagram. Investing in good design and good packaging matters. If you don’t believe us, look around your house at your favorite things. From your favorite records to dish soap. The look and feel draw hands to the product. 

Think About the Brand From Top to Bottom

We know you might be handy with some Photoshop, and that’s super cool. But, rarely do brands get lucky when an amateur takes the wheel. Great packaging reinforces the brand due to the target market seeing your logo, company colors, and slogan – everything needs to be cohesive. 

On average, if someone is in the market for granola bites, they will see yours a few times before they pick yours up. On average, it takes 5-7 “impressions” for a customer to recognize and remember you. That said, customers form impressions immediately. Consistency is crucial, and packaging is the first line of defense. Package design differentiates you from competitors, so a unique design that looks and feels different will impact, even if subconsciously, so that impression you’ve made will have customers go from “maybe next time” to “let’s try these folks out.”

Social Media Influence Matters 

Love it or hate it, blowing up on Instagram or TikTok matters. People snap photos or videos of everything all the time, and it’s just a part of the social fabric of the world we live in now. Look at YouTube, there are millions of views just for someone chowing down on the latest chicken sandwich, while people leave thousands of comments for an unboxing video, and the thing is, that could be your product they’re unboxing. 

This proves that product packaging is just as important as the product. Many of us are guilty of snapping a photo of that new book we just got in the mail or when a brand blows us away. These moments are what every company wants, big or small. Your brand needs to align with your target market and what they’d be drawn to buy, but also share with their friends and followers. Good packaging is how people get excited on social media. Some companies link up with social media influencers in their industry to promote their look and feel and show how they differ from the market. 

Good Design Protects Products

There’s the critical importance of product packaging design. Yes, it matters if you’re hitting the mark on the look and feel while keeping up with the trends like minimal design or landing on a retro look. But remember, quality matters, and protective packaging is the top priority.

Your marketing can be excellent, it can go viral, but if the product sucks, people will talk about it. (Does anyone remember the KONY campaign that fell apart?) If your packaging can’t protect what’s inside, keep fresh during shipping, or even a ride from the farmer’s market, you’ll hear about it online. 

Packaging Design Qualities That Draw Customers In

There are many types of packaging design, and packaging helps consumers make an experience association that your products offer, whether you’re aiming for the working-class cracking beers or popping bottles in the VIP.

Package design reflects the product, so product packaging design must land. Consumers equate packaging design and design elements as a reflection of success. If you go cheap and use flimsy materials and phones in the branding and design, your sales will reflect as such. Instead, if you’ve invested in pushing what premium looks like, even if you’re playing in an affordable space, you’re increasing the chances of becoming a leader in the field. There’s always someone setting the bar, so why shouldn’t it be you?

Consider the easy wins, things like making sure an ingredients list is easy to find, showcasing the company’s story, or dropping a QR code are the little things people will notice. People love having an emotional connection to the brands we let into our lives. Look at Apple vs. Android people – two very different ways to brand a product and two very different personality types. 

Stay Consistent with Your Branding

Psychology plays a role in marketing, branding, and design success. The colors you pick indicate what the brands say and mean, even if it’s not on the surface. Just look at most websites. Rarely do we see a black website, but instead, it’s always a white background with colors that draw the eye back to the center. 

Colors create an emotional response: red creates a sense of energy and urgency, while some say that yellow makes us crazy. Cool blues and greens remind us of nature, and black is intense, depending on what kind of vibe you’re going for. Fonts and images matter. Brands that think bigger than “we’re a weight supplement company, let’s use a barbell” are typically the ones who make a more significant impact in the market because they’re thinking outside the norm. People want to see themselves in the branding. 

Communicate With Your Target Market Through Good Design 

As we’ve said throughout this post, design and packaging matter. If you’re looking to level up the brand, we can help. We’ve worked with companies over the years that have caught fire thanks to product packaging design that knocked it out of the park. We’ve seen a thing or two and can help you along the packaging design journey.

Let’s talk.